Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Evening with Ettie & Gerben

Ettie & Gerben were here yesterday, it was very nice! Made pizzas... if you don't mind me saying so: very delicious :)


New paper to do

Working on a paper for university, Human Computer Interaction. If the teacher accepts my synopsis (I hope so, because I started already!) it will be about Visual Program Languages and if they help the programmer. I just found out that we can't vote tomorrow in Haarlem! I called the municipal because we didn't get a letter about the elections; turns out on January 22th they've made a list of people living in Haarlem... and we moved 1st of February. I could vote in Amsterdam though, but can't really be bothered anymore now.

Just saw a protest-parade with driving organs; some protest against closing of the museum. More than 30 of them I think, quite noisy but nice.

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