Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Nora's 3rd birthday

We made every effort to have Nora's birthday as special for her as possible. Getting two little brothers is going to be an adjustment and birthdays are important.

I woke her up at 8.10 am by taking her in my arms and she quickly start to move around and opened her eyes. "Zeg Nora, wie is er eigenlijk jarig vandaag?", I asked. "Nora!" she said and she smiled wide. We saw a video message from Sasha which she liked a lot, and then we went downstairs. There were balloons and decorations and we opened several presents. A balance bike from us and several books from Opa and Oma. Lelya Snezha arrived and had a lovely baby stroller for her. I left for the hospital.

In the afternoon her friend Eli came to visit and our friends Lori, Ginny, Judy and Lelya Snezha threw her a nice party. We are very grateful for that.

When I got home she told me that she had a nice birthday, but "Ik ben nu niet meer jarig" -- the day for her ended after her nap, haha. Then we went shopping together, which was nice.

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