Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Cooking ahead

Over the last few days I've done quite some cooking, in preparation of the first weeks when the baby arrives. I'm not exactly sure what's in store for us, but everybody says we'll be very busy and tired so I figured it's useful to have some frozen healthy dinners ready.

I made enough macaroni sauce for seven meals last week, and recently I cooked a huge batch of chili. I'm very happy with my two electric burners that allow me to cook on the balcony -- it's great for "smelly" foods like garlic and onions.

This week I'll also freeze babi pangang and perhaps some other dishes.



Good busy :-) I just suggest not to cook too spicy, assuming that the baby will be breastfeeded...

Good point, thanks!

Maybe you won't even have time to eat...:-)

Very funny :)

Jaap's picture

Laat je niet gek maken, baby's slapen de hele dag zo ongeveer.

Nee hoor. Ik zie er naar uit!

Jaap heeft helemaal gelijk... Het valt allemaal wel mee en met één glimlach ben je de hele nacht doorhalen weer vergeten.

Elke kind is weer anders... Ik ken ook verhalen van ouders waarvan het kind gelijk doorslaapt 's nachts. Dus zou je er maar niet al te druk over maken. Gewoon rustig afwachten...

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