Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Vegetable soup

We had a great weekend together. We went out together on Friday, saw friends on Saturday evening and had no major activities.

Tonight after the gym we cooked a Dutch soup, groentesoep met balletjes. The "Dutch" in the recipe is mainly the use of small meat balls (pork/beef mixture) that are boiled with the bouillon before you add the vegetables.

Nothing beats the taste and smell and warmth of a home made soup.



We had tomatosoup (of course...)

also yummie

We made a big pan so we had the same soup tonight... yummie!

Last weekend I made vegetable soup for us because Goran was having high fever (mexican flu?). Nothing beats a good home-made soup when you're ill :).

Jaap's picture

put some (ba-)mie in it and your meal is there.

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