Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Politics & News


Politicians online

The politician with the website I like the best is Klaas de Vries. He doesn't update it very frequently but he compensates for that with a very nice writing-style. Today:

"Zalm heeft gezegd dat Wouter liegt. De man is totaal zijn zelfbeheersing kwijt. Daar kan een mental coach niet tegenop. ‘Zalm for President’, heeft zijn campagneteam bedacht. Weten zelfs niet meer in welk land ze zijn."


Teletekst 2

Teletekst 2 hours later:

Teletekst 19 januari, 2 hours later.

Note the difference.



A dream-teletekst this morning for the PvdA campaign:

Teletekst 19 januari.


The Economist: Labour returns from the dead

The Economist this week:

"The name is Wouter Bos. He's a miracle-worker. He brings political parties back from the (almost) dead. [...]

The Fortuynists' disarray has cut their own throats (they may get half a dozen seats, say pollsters). But Mr Bos has twisted the knife. When he went on the stump in one of Rotterdam's most Fortuynist areas, it was plain that working-class voters were swinging back to Labour in droves."


What to vote?

What to vote?For those who don't know what to vote, Wouter sent me the perfect solution.



It would be great if it is true that Job Cohen is the candidate prime minister of the Labour party. Yesterday he said:

,,We hebben vreemdelingen hier gehaald om werk op te knappen waar we zelf geen trek meer in hadden. We hebben ze daarvoor nog nodig. [...] Vergis je niet: bij veel allochtonen is er een enorme gretigheid om het in Nederland te gaan maken, een gretigheid die ik bij autochtonen wel eens mis.''

(,,We took foreigners to do the jobs we don't feel like doing. We still need them for that. [...] Don't be mistaken: many foreigners are very eager to go for it in Holland, an eagerness I don't always see in the natives.")


Focus group campaigning

Perception analyser.NRC Handelsblad made a focus group of 25 people watch the last TV debate and measured their reactions using a perception analyser.The article describes what the reactions of these viewers are on statements of the party leaders.

This kind of tools were also described in the book I read on last years campaign of the Labour party (PvdA).


LPF plane

Today above Haarlem: 'Heb lef, stem LPF'...

'Be brave, vote LPF'... I suppose you must be very brave to vote for these guys again...



The nicest are the pre-studied jokes:

"Those Germans surely aren't 3 times smarter than we are!"

"Want die Duitsers zijn heus niet 3x slimmer dan wij!"

Wouter Bos -- on the much better crime solving rate by the German police.

"Mr. Zalm, you said Wouter Bos doesn't know how do to his maths. But he was working for you when you were Minister of Finance, right?"

"Yes but... he was doing taxes there wasn't he?!"

"Maar ja, daar deed hij ook belastingen!"


Wouter Bond

Found this on the website of a Pvda local council member in Leiden: Marije van den Berg.

Bond. Wouter Bond.


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