Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Politicians online

The politician with the website I like the best is Klaas de Vries. He doesn't update it very frequently but he compensates for that with a very nice writing-style. Today:

"Zalm heeft gezegd dat Wouter liegt. De man is totaal zijn zelfbeheersing kwijt. Daar kan een mental coach niet tegenop. ‘Zalm for President’, heeft zijn campagneteam bedacht. Weten zelfs niet meer in welk land ze zijn."

"Zalm claimed that Wouter is lying. The man has totally lost control; even a mental coach can't fix that anymore. `Zalm for President’, his campaign team came up with. Don't even realize in which country they are."

Obviously Gerrit Zalm is not an option ("Nederland is vol") but he has an interesting website that he updates frequently. Another one I often visit is Marije Logt. She's a member of the local council in Leiden.

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