Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Pictures from Chernobyl

Downtown.A young Ukrainian woman has created title="PRIPYAT ghost town (1970-1986)" target="_blank" href="">a photo journal of her motorcycle rides through Chernobyl and the area surrounding it.

Surreal pictures of desolated cities, houses and roads. Very impressive.

I ima tezi stranitsi na Bulgarski.


Jaap's picture

Seht interessanter Item. Nooit meer aan gedacht aan Chernobyl, wat een ramp.


The original picture series has been updated; see the original site.

Jaap's picture

complimenten, bizarre wereld leven we in.

I herd about the above Cherobyl site from a famous American Broadcaster, Art Bell. This woman did a wonderful job on her motorcycle ride, took some fantastic photos, and I want to thank her for giving us a true picture of what happened there, and the many peoples lives it affected. Truly a very moving experience.

U.S. citizen

There is an interview with one of the few surviving workers at the plant in the New Scientist:

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