Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Yesterday evening I implemented the RMI part of the assignment. The goal is to transfer an 'advertisement' (a jpg picture usually) from one computer to another one using RMI, and in another part using RPC.

It's a nice exercise. There are many different technologies involved and altogether I'm writing about 9 programs that all have to work together (in different languages). I hope the next exercise doesn't get any bigger than this though -- it takes a lot of time. I think I'll make it but it's good I took a day off yesterday.

Now I'm integrating yesterday's programs with my "bank server" -- placing advertisements isn't free of course so there are also electronic payments. Some results, just to get an idea:

Guus>> java BankExperiment
Server: HELLO BankServer 1.0

The server (written in C):

Guus>> ./bankd 
Database initialized.
Accepted connection from
Received: HELLO Expertiment 1.0
BANK_PAY 123 123 50.50
Scanf: 2; version 1.000000, hello string: BankExperiment
Start of response: 22
------- To execute: BANK_PAY 123 123 50.50
Scanf BANK_PAY: 3.
Tranfer_money(123, 123, 50.500000) = -3
Writing back to client: HELLO BankServer 1.0
BANK_PAY_RESULT -3 (I am pid=26071).
Closed socket

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