Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Clocks in Venezuela falling behind

A strange story today on MSNBC: clocks in Venezuela are ticking slower than in other parts of the world.

This is because many (simple) clocks take the power-line AC frequency to calculate the current time. Due to the power-crises in Venezuela the power suppliers are not able to garantuee a perfect 60 Hz frequency anymore...


Wow, that actually means that aging goes slower in Venezuela! That's the Caribean spirit!

Or.... you're older then you think you are... Hmmm..

So how does my wristwatch work without 60Hz (or.. 50hz in Europe) alternating current? Isn't that what the quartz crystal is there for in the first place?

According to the folks at slashdot, the slow down only applies to simple clocks that don't have a quartz crystal (or other oscillator) but use the power lines' own frequency for timing. I can't think of any clocks in my home that do that. Well, maybe the toaster ;-)

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