Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Article in Trouw today: "Nawijn should resign":

"Minister Nawijn heeft jammerlijk gefaald. Hij wist wat de moeilijkheden waren. Desondanks heeft hij verwachtingen gewekt bij een kwestbare groep. Bij die mensen kan hij nu niet meer aankomen met de boodschap: jammer dan, maar het feest gaat niet door. Nawijn dient daarom terstond op te stappen."
"Minister Nawijn failed miserably. He knew what the problems are. Still, he gave vulnerable people false hope. He can't go back to them now and saying: too bad, there's nothing I can do for you. Nawijn should therefore immediately resign."

Politicians are by nature a bit opportunistic, and I believe that's okay. But as a minister from a party that 'promised' to be 'tough on foreigners' Nawijn made himself utterly ridiculous by promising to have a look into the faith of thousands of asylumseekers and then being stopped by the cabinet. But hey, what's new.

Mr. Nawijn.I am not sure why I dislike him that much; much more than other LPF politicians. Maybe because he should know better; after all he has been working as a civil servant for asylum cases etc. He should know what type of pain this opportunistic false promises can causes in hundreds of families. There are no easy solutions!

I'm sure sometimes politicians have to be tough; that's how life is. But playing this kind of games is quite another thing: the guy is just plainly incapable.


Jaap's picture

No one did say it, but some people think: " If you really dislike people from elsewhere that much as this man, would it be possible to set up such a game, a trick just to harm people? " Never underestimate an enemy.

A propos, Voor ieder ingewikkeld probleem bestaat een eenvoudige oplossing, en die is fout [Umberto Eco De slinger van Foucault]

"As the man said, for every complex problem there's a simple solution, and it's wrong."

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