Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Spellenspektakel 2002Tomorrow morning we'll be leaving for the Spellenspektakel (Games Spectacular), a big games fair in Eindhoven. It is (partly) organized by some people of 999 Games, and many of our friends will be there.

This the 4th time I'll work for the Spellenspektakel. The first year I explained a single game (Land in Zicht) 3 days non-stop, that became quite boring in the end. Last year I helped out in various things. This year I'll be doing a lot of different things again, which is nice.

Daniel will bring his laptop and Ettie her digital camera, so with a little luck I'll be able to update my website regularly.

There will be a lot of tournaments during the fair, including some Kolonisten ones. To see some participants visit this thread on

As always there are many volunteers on the Spellenspektakel, most of them explaining games. Read one of their stories here, or see what this shop-owner thought about the fair last year: (with a lot of pictures).

The Spellenspektakel starts on Friday. Tomorrow we'll install all the things necessary, decorate the booths etc. Last year it took us till midnight. Let's hope this year it will go smoother.

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