Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Almost ready for migration to Drupal

Last week уе have been testing with the trial version of the new site. Jaap, Jean-Paul, Jerry, Mieke and Rob have found a couple of problems and suggestions for improvements.

Here's is what they found:

  1. Bug: the Recent Comment block doesn't show an author.
  2. Bug: The order of the comments looks strange. "I don't get the order of the comments. As I watch this news item, the comments don't look ordered by date. Do they? Should they?".
  3. Feature request: Use a default image for users that don't have an image & anonymous users.
  4. Feature request: perhaps it's useful to be able to delete your own comments.
  5. Bug: The signature (for comments) doesn't really work nice: you always have to "move it aside" before you can start typing a comment. The cursor isn't placed on a useful place.
  6. Feature request: It would be nice if the signature is visually separated from the comment by a line or something.
  7. Bug: Preview doesn't show HTML code.

Here are my findings for these items:

  1. Fixed with the comments module patch.
  2. The script I used to transfer comments from the old to the new website had a bug and this caused newly created comments in the new site to appear out-of-order. This will be fixed before the migration.
  3. I like this idea, and I'll probably implement it. Can wait till after the migration.
  4. I can see this being useful. I'll have to get to know the comments module of Drupal a bit better. Can wait till after the migration.
  5. This was pretty annoying. I've downloaded an optional module that fixes this and made signatures in general much nicer. Fixed.
  6. Included in (5). Fixed.
  7. I couldn't really reproduce this one. However, I noticed that the &ltb> and &lti> tags were not allowed in the HTML filter which may have caused the confusion. I'll make sure to add these again to the filter right after the migration.

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