Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Plant revival project

Starfish flower.
This weekend we bought a few plants for in the living room. We went to Lowe's, a hardware store with a garden center and we got three large plants and two small ones.

I was very happy to see a Starfish flower, the same cactus that my grandmother gave me four years ago. It was the last of this type they had in store, and it's in pretty bad shape.

I still bought the cactus. It's a nice challenge to see if I can get this plant back into shape or if it will die within a few weeks. Currently it's on the bar, and I'll leave it alone for a few days so it can adjust to the temperature in our house.

Starfish flower.

The sales price is $4.95, but the lady sold me the plant for a dollar because of its sad state. All plants from Lowe's have a one year warranty -- should they die I can go back to the store and get my money back.


Guus, maken mensen daar dan geen misbruik van, van die garantie? Ik kan me inbeelden dat hier iedereen na een paar weken teruggaat, en zegt dat z'n plant het niet gehaald heeft... Of moet je je dode plant meenemen?

Ja, je moet inderdaad de dode plant mee terug nemen, volgens het briefje in de planten pot.

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