Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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New bread

I had a quiet weekend. I've had a cold for a week and I used this weekend to recover. Today I felt a lot better than yesterday.

Being at home, I had ample time for a recipe from 'the Bread Bible', an appropriately named cookbook of which I've now tried three recipes, all great. I made the hearth bread, with whole-wheat flour.

I started the sponge (the starter) last night, and tonight we had the end result for dinner. The best bread I've ever baked.

Sasha's parents will arrive next weekend, so it's time to brush off my Bulgarian language. A while ago I converted my vocabulary list from my home-made software (in Microsoft Access) to Anki SRS, a tool that I use for my French as well, and this weekend I started going through all 2,000 words in Anki.


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