Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Terschelling and a virus under Linux?

There's a cool link on Slashdot: somebody hasbeen able to run a virus under a Linux Windows emulator ;)
Just came back from a weekend at Friesland & Terschelling, with my work. Very nice, very very nice... Monday has never been so horrible :)


Speech of Mr. Bush

I'm not sure if I expected this of President Bush -- but I must say he seems to be handling the situation fairly good. The speech he held this morning was really good.



G. Bosman,

je ontvangt deze E-mail omdat je ingedeeld bent in het Practicum Bedrijfssystemen 2000/2001.

Je hebt dit practicum gehaald.

Er zijn voor de studenten die dit practicum gehaald hebben nog geen eindcijfers bekend. Deze zullen later nog gestuurd worden.

Matty Huntjens


No joy.

Well. There is not a lot of reason for joy these days, everybody will know what I'm talking about. My practical work is tested correctly now though, and that's a nice thought.




Your results of the standard test are:

Exercise 1: OK
Exercise 2: OK
Exercise 3: OK



Blog back online.

Blog back online.


Temporary version of

There's a temporary version of online now, hope that I'll have time soon to install the real one. Was really early at work -- found out what happens when you're the first and forget to turn of the alarm: a lot of noise :)


Finallly... going home!

Finallly... going home!


Still at my work

Still at my work, probably gonna be here till late. There's a deadline tomorrow, we want to be sure everything works fine. Testing testing... Too bad; would have liked to go home early.


Well well... quite a weekend! we've finally m

Well well... quite a weekend! we've finally moved, there's almost nothing in Florijn left except 2 sofa's and a clock in the kitchen. It was really tiring! Tonight we'll continue decorating the room, and go to bed early...

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