Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Christmas tree 2014

On Sunday we bought our Christmas tree and put the lights up, and Monday night we put the ornaments in.

This is the first year that Nora helped with the decorations. Which means there is a little spot at the bottom of the tree where she many decorations close to each other.

Another change we made compared to last year was that I brought a measurement tape to the place where they sold the trees. Last year we got an 8 foot tree -- not a good fit for our 8 foot ceilings and I had to cut off a chunk to make it fit in the living room. This year we have a 7 foot tree and that obviously worked much better.


Dat is nog steeds een flinke kerstboom;-)

Ik zie dat Nora wat beter omgaat met de kerstballen dan Evelien. Evelien heeft er een paar doormidden geknipt met een schaar.

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