Yesterday afternoon Sasha left for Nice, France.
In July 2004 she signed a contract with her employer for one year, and that expired last Wednesday. She has a new contract in place, but this was a great opportunity to take a couple of weeks off, so her new employment starts in about 6 weeks. An excellent chance to go and do what we both have been talking about often: study a foreign language abroad.
Monday she will start a full-time French language course in Nice, France. It is an intensive course at Actilangue, une Ecole Privée de Langue Française that will take three weeks. She's staying in a residence near the school, and she'll have 30 hours of lessons per week. Last year Sasha studied French a few hours per week through her work as well, because speaking French is useful when dealing with the countries that she works with at the Bank.
Thursday and Friday Sasha was at home, preparing for the journey and arranging some stuff. Saturday morning we went to Dulles airport together, and she took a flight at 5 pm. I miss her a lot and I regret that I can't join her. It's really strange to be alone again after having spent so much time together. Luckily it's only six weeks this time.
Saturday evening I spent alone. I updated the website, went shopping and did some things in the house. I also had a whole bottle of Allagash Triple, another beer by the Ommegang and I had pizza for dinner; not exactly something to make into an habit. Later I went to the cinema near us and I saw War of the Worlds.