Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Guus Bosman.NL


Free Saturday

It's nice to have a Saturday without any obligations! Last Tuesday I delivered my homework assignment, and the next deadline is in 2 weeks. Today I'm not working on it.

In the morning I experimented a bit with the server of this website. Two weeks ago I found out that the floppy diskdrive is broken and this morning I tried another one. However, it seems that there is something wrong with the mainboard; I didn't get any diskdrive working. Not a big deal, but it will be difficult to upgrade to the OpenBSD 3.3. I think I'll wait with that, it isn't very urgent. Maybe I'll have time this weekend to get the new harddisk working. Gerben gave me one (thanks!). It's 800 MB and will therefore double the total capacity of the server.

In the afternoon we went for a long walk and did some shopping. It wasn't extremely busy in the city.


Something wrong?

Something wrong?Is there something wrong here?

Basically in the same category as the mirror from a while ago.


Website down

Guus has been unreachable from 15:30 yesterday till 12:00 o'clock today.

Yesterday afternoon I received an e-mail from Martijn with the tournament schedule for this year and I wanted to be the first website to have them online. And just when I was ready with the article: crash; the internet connection failed.

Because I went out yesterday evening there was no time to have a good look at it. I was afraid it was going to take a lot time. This morning I had a closer look... and it was just a loose UTP cable that made everything fail.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused and I hope you didn't miss the website too much.

I has been a while since the website has been down this long. And by the way: I am still the first to put the tournament schedule online, even 999 Games doesn't have it yet. Hah.


Mirror mirror on the wall...

...who's the fairest of them all?Found a trick at Willy Dobbe.

A mirror for Guus!

won siht daer uoy naC?


About this website -- technical

Guus has been my on-line home for many years.

I started in June 2001 with a couple of static HTML pages and a Blogger account. I played with that for a few months, and did some experiments with PHP and a Microsoft Access database, running on an older computer in our dorm. That was fun, and I continued using Blogger for a while, but I realized that I wanted more features 'out of the box' and I looked for a content management system.



A couple of days ago I've found a nice website that categorizes other website by geographical location.

It can show the neighbours of Guus Another site with the same functionality but based on Dutch zipcodes is LogMap.

Websites close to me are for example Een Scherpe Blik, Willy (in Santpoort) and (in Haarlem).


Recent Comments Block

A few weeks ago I made a simple extension to the website program I'm using that shows the 10 most recent comments. I thought it would be nice to share it with other people, so I posted a message on the official website of PhpNuke.

Interesting to see how my (English) message got copied and translated into various languages:


Back in time with Guus

Old version of Guus've found the old version of my website! You can find it here.

It's the first website I had ever made; it dates from 1999. That was just after I came back from Bulgaria and two years before I registered ''.

It is so nice to see some pictures of Florijn again.


New layout

Every once in a while I feel the need to update the layout of the website a bit. Made some small changes, I hope you like it.

The old layout is still available of course, in 'my account'.


New motherboard works

It went a lot quicker than I thought it would: the new processor and motherboard are in the server now, and everything works fine.

The website will be quicker from now on. On the bottom of this page (in a very small font) you can read the page-generation time. For the frontpage it changed from 1,5 seconds to about 0,5 second.


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