Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Work NC

Netherlands office

To the office in the Netherlands.Today I visited our office in the Netherlands. My company's European headquarters are based near Rotterdam, and I went there this morning by train.

We had interesting discussions. Early in the morning we spoke in Dutch, later a colleague from the U.K. joined us so we switched to English.

In the office there were clocks with both the time in Netherlands and the time in New Jersey. My company has its global headquarters in New Jersey.

Work NC

To New Jersey

Last week I went to my company's headquarters in New Jersey. It was nice to meet my new colleagues in person and I had a lot of meetings and conversations in the 3 days I was in the office. An important part of my new job is to be a bridge between our development team in Raleigh and product management in New Jersey.

I flew to Newark on Wednesday morning. It was a different travel experience this time: I drove to the airport, dropped off the rental car, flew to Newark and there got another rental car. No taxi's or public transport involved. For the first time in my life I drove on the New Jersey turnpike. I had gotten some good instructions from my colleagues in Raleigh and I had a google map, so I arrived in the main office well on time.

I returned on Friday afternoon. Due to new pre-flight security checks Continental airlines advised to be at the airport 3 hours before departure time, which is 2 hours earlier than usual. However, the lines at the airport were very short and I had plenty of time. Getting from the airport to home was easy this time and I was home around 9.30 pm.

Work NC

First day in Raleigh

Yesterday I had my first day of my new job, and I liked it. I'll enjoy working here a lot.

Unexpectedly, the movers showed up yesterday afternoon too. Long story short: our belongings are safely in our new apartment, and we don't have to deal with this moving company anymore. Later more.


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