Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Reading English


This morning Leo was reading the board book the boys have loved for years, and started spelling our English words. Some accurate, others more guessing. But probably time to finally hide the English books...

Since a few weeks the boys no longer yell for us when they want to get out of bed -- they get our themselves. They even go downstairs without us. An improvement, haha.

We started calling Adrian "Boef Lastig", a name he is proud of. He's a macho dude. We have several socks from Nora that the boys now use. I like to give him pink socks to wear at night, haha.



We were talking about "jokken" today in the car from the gym. The boys understand it well. Adrian have as example: "als je zegt dat je je handen gewast hebt..." and Leo: "als je zegt dat je geslapen hebt maar je hebt niet geslapen"



I was putting Leo in bed. They had been playing "boat" in Leo's bed earlier, so the plush animals were all over the place. Leo complained that "he only had four plush animals", not five. So I asked Adrian: "can Leo please have Rikkie?" and look and behold: Adrian graciously agreed that Leo could have Rikkie.

Then it was time to put Adrian in bed. All went well, until the moment that he asked for... Rikkie, when there were some tears. I managed to calm him down.

The next evening Leo was in bed already when it was Adrian's turn. Adrian couldn't find his bear, beer. That was a problem and we all scrambled to look for it, throughout the house. Leo was in bed already but had a funny smile when I asked the first time. So after more searching I came back and asked him strongly, and he laughed and pointed to the drawer. And sure, there is was. There were three plush animals in the drawer. I took the bear to bring to Adrian and on a whip gave Leo Rikkie.

Adrian was happy with his bear -- but then he asked about Rikkie...


Home Depot


We did another round to Home Depot this afternoon, the last one in a while, probably.

Got plants for the front yard and indoors, plus ten bags of mulch for in the back.

When we got home Jaap And Adrian were waiting for us, with big smiles.

Now it's time to feed the chicks.

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