Guus Bosman

software executive and technologist

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Sinterklaas arrived

Yesterday Sinterklaas arrived in the Netherlands. We watched a little bit on YouTube. First a small part of the 2013 event but Nora is too little far all that so we switched to Sesamstraat's intocht from the early 2000's and that she liked.

We've been reading Sinterklaas books for a week now, and yesterday evening Nora put her shoe near the fireplace.


Stained the deck

Over the past 6 weeks I've been working on our deck. In July I fixed the lower part of the deck by replacing all the boards, but that wasn't really needed for the main deck. Nevertheless, there was a ton of work to do. I flipped over about 20 boards, power washed and sanded everything.

I took a day off on Thursday and applied the stain. It's an oil base stain (Armstrong Clark) and it was easy to apply. I started at 10.00 am and by 2.30 pm I was done.

We unexpectedly got some rain Thursday night but with an oil base stain that isn't as much as a problem and except for one or two minor spots that I'll redo, everything looks great.

I still need to finish the railing and balustrade, but at least the deck itself is ready for the winter now.


Visit Esteban

Our friend Esteban came to visit us from London, a very nice surprise.

He emailed me on Monday that he'd be in town for a conference, and it was great to have him over for dinner and introduce him and Nora to each other. She was listening intently to him, describing his son Tiago who was born a few months after Nora.


36th birthday

Today was my birthday, the 36th. A great day with a lot of love. We didn't have time in the morning so I there were presents in the evening, and then we went for dinner.

We went to Ray's the Steak, a very nice experience, and Nora enjoyed the New York strip with Black & Blue sauce. Such a richness, going out with two girls like these.

Thank you everybody, for all the phone calls, and emails, and Facebook and WhatsApp messages... it really made my day!

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