Guus Bosman

software engineering director

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Previous job at Chess


Chess in de Telegraaf

Eredivisie live op internetA few weeks ago there was an article in the NRC (a Dutch newspaper) about Chess. It was nice to see a picture of the floor I'm working, but it wasn't exactly the frontpage.

Now we've made it: the front-page of a national newspaper. It's de Telegraaf this time. The project described is, a project Chess has been working on. It allows (legal) downloading of music and online TV broadcasting. Chess wasn't mentioned in the article in the Telegraaf, but a few weeks ago there was a press release by Chess about it.

The website they're talking about is


New version paper

I've set myself a deadline for my internship paper: Sunday evening I want to submit it. That means of course that I'm quite busy with the paper now.

I've put a new version online (with the sources). The last time I did that was in February: quite a while ago. The homework assignments of Internet Programming and Formal Methods took more time than I thought.


Airco being installed

Crane for the airco.Some of the air-conditioning parts are too big for the stairs or elevators, so there's a big crane working now.



We'll get an airconditioning system here at Chess, and they're working on it now. The power was off in the building between 12:00 and 1:00.

Therefore I decided to get my haircut today. The guy I usually go to was on holiday, so I had to find another hairdresser... took me a while. I wanted a hairdresser where I could just walk in (without appointment), and that wasn't extremely expensive. Found one near the Botermarkt, so I'm with shorter hair now.


Presentation again

A few weeks ago I gave a presentation at Chess, about a new technology we're using in our project. It was a great success. My collegues were very interested in the subject, and they said they liked the presentation.

Today I gave the presentation again, for a few collegues who couldn't be there previous time. It was a small group this time, 6 people. It's nice to give presentations, I liked it.


Presentation tomorrow

I'm working on a presentation I'll give tomorrow. It's about Struts, a framework that I'm using in our project at work.

Once every month there's a lunch-presentation about a technical subject, and tomorrow it's my turn. It's nice to do: I like this Struts a lot, and I'd be happy if I can make my collegues enthousiastic as well.



Grote MarktI'm going home. It's simply too great weather to spend inside!

We had lunch outside too, at the Grote Markt.



I'm a Chess now. Obviously it's very quiet here, many people took today off to enjoy a long weekend. I think in the whole building there are maybe 5 or 6 people.

Moved my stuff to the 2nd floor for today, there's another collegue working there.



I'm listening to an interesting play-list this morning:

1. Boney M. - Brown girl in the ring
"tralalala, she looks like a sugar-in-the-plum"
2. Cindy und Bert - Immer wieder sonntag
3. Heino - Blau bluht der Enzian
"Blauw blauw van de sangria..."
4. The Gibson Brothers - Que sera mi vida
5. Teach In - Ding-a-Dong
6. ...

Some quality music time.


Chess 5 years

NH RijnhotelThis weekend we celebrated that Chess-iT exists 5 year. We were in Arnhem. It was a lot bigger than the events we had with Net.Footworks, especially because partners were also invited: there were more than 60 people.

Friday evening we arrived late, so we had a drink in the hotel. Obviously many people had digital camera's with them, but Edo was the first one today to put them online.

The Hunt for Mister UniqueSaturday we did the Hunt for Mister Unique, a very nice puzzle-tour through the city. By answering questions and reacting on SMS-messages we had to track down somebody.


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